
Cos'è il Benessere Totale

Tutto l’Universo si regge in perfetto equilibrio.

L'uomo interagisce di continuo con l'universo per mezzo di sostanze di vibrazioni e di energie.
Per un perfetto svolgimento dei processi vitali un individuo deve interagire con l'universo, con gli altri uomini,animali,vegetali,minerali,metalli,pietre.ecc.(solo l'insieme è il tutto).

Qualsiasi squilibrio fisico psichico energetico và esaminato nella sua integralità tenendo in considerazione contemporaneamente i fattori emozionali, fisici, mentali, genetici, ambientali e sociali che lo riguardano.

Questo equilibrio psicoenergetico-funzionale se alterato, genera malessere,malattia,dolore,intolleranze a cibi e intollerabilità verso altre persone.

Ogni disfunzione psico-energetica genera dei sintomi di preavviso... questi sintomi molte volte non sono riconoscibili da noi stessi, perchè sono lontani o non associabili alla parte malata o squilibrata...

Qualsiasi male accusate... andate a trovare la causa !!! Se curate solo il sintomo, lo squilibrio si ripresenterà più intenso e da un'altra parte del corpo.

Il nostro corpo dovrà essere curato o riequilibrato livello totale, ogni cellula del nostro corpo incorpora le informazioni di tutte le altre cellule, perciò il nostro corpo non si cura pezzetto per pezzetto ma nella sua totalità !!!

lunedì 21 aprile 2014

Who are the special people among us?

Special people among us - I will try

Who are the special people among us? 

Written by Raymond Bard individual indigo humanitarian unfortunately sick and in the body for having fed the left hemisphere ...  
That's who I am, clicking the links ... 
If I have perceived then go ahead ... 

sure I can explain it better in person and answer all your questions personally by calibrating the answers to your level of preparation.

'll have to keep trying to relax less Wake-up calls can your reactive mind ....  
that is the voice of the corporal frame of mind that you have created in your reality this too rational. 

Today will be a new beginning. 
If you have the courage to get out of your mental prison. 

Before you everything you will need to stop to look, thinkand   accettar and this image. 
During this article your rational mind pattern or try to make you give up, then forget to continue your usual life done ... 

Today the intelligence of the human race has just moved to a new level evolutionary .... 

Today, many individuals are special, too bad   they do not know 


speak of 0.2% to 5% of the population  worldwide. 

In some circles, groups, cities, associations, places you get 

up to 50% and beyond. 

I saw spiritual guides do a very good job of grouping these people but we must do more ...)

That's why I expose to you ....   

Some time ago I would have been burned as a witch or a devil .. .  

Nowadays the majority takes me mad .... 
But that's not all! 

I appeal to the little fish inside the aquarium will give a boost to jump out  

of the aquarium to see what's out!

The name that you assign to these individuals does not matter ... 

For simplicity I call them media people ... 

To my fellow rational always tell them: The man of flesh and blood has invented a phone that connects with other wifi devices ....  
But do you think a 'Creative Intelligence has not already endowed man with this link?

 I am Raymond Bard indigo individual ... 
In my life too rational I had to keep it a secret ....  
I've lived more life experiences of parallel ...  
parallel with a normal job, for decades until today I did the fitness instructor and well-being, oriental disciplines, and dozens of other things ...  
This has allowed me to learn and discover many people as possible and look for someone who looked like me ... 
I studied a lifetime to seek the scientific report of this phenomenon.  

First There are many types of special individuals, more or less evolved ...

The most advanced are the most sensitive and therefore those who are badly today ...  
Those that have made ​​the social guardian angels ... I mean those who are fighting every day triggering chains of events against the champions of evil ...

Today, many do not see ...  
but is undergoing a tremendous war between good and evil ...  
Beware, not all the wonders follow the good ... 

I will list the most evident signs:

1) A school lessons were distracted because you observed it all and you ponevi thousand questions and answers. 

2) Playing for you was vital, still feel like doing it. 

3) you do not control by any if you feel something is not right for you and for others

4) Continuous Need to Build, create, invent, transform, for the good of all.

5) They hate and do not include social classes, the fashions, the false order.

6) They come troubleshooting before others, their solution takes into account not only its functionality but also the respect of nature and man.

7) I hated, persecuted, punished by mental turtles for their quick thinking and initiative to change ... Their genius is dangerous and unpredictable  

8) They often change your mind, strategy, road, but half of it does not change .. This is the result of continuous reworking and optimization. 

9) They get sick in a hostile environment and negative.  

10) It is recharged when they are in the company of positive people and events when they create a chain of construction. (Their word triggers mechanisms of enormous change)

11) They read more books at the same time, if you would see the history of a single day on the internet you would see his greatness, an hour on the internet of a prodigy is equivalent to more than a month of a great intellectual. have you ever observed the desk of a genius? 

12) They hate injustice and bring you into trouble and suffering to resolve them.

13) They help those in need directly and inland transverse

14) They live a life of huge volume .. That is their day is equivalent to 3-4 days of a normal person ...

15) He hates the job when it considers it unnecessary and destructive both for him and for the employer, (pity that the employer does not see as well ....)

16) When you believe in something is without limits of energy and time.  
(too bad for those who apply for consumable material goods, cars, boats, mobile phones, holidays, luxury)

17) He hates bad people selfish and attached to money.

18) It is seriously ill with diseases psycho neuro motor when it is forced to endure unpleasant situations for a long time. 
When he is forced to live a life not her ...  
Many times forced by his rational mind enemy of what he really is) 

19) When you are in trouble they need to solve them as individuals ...  
No man can fix stupid what they have failed to solve. 
Their solution is not written in any book, dev 'to be sought in the universe through intuition or applied to other individuals like him ..  
Example: ( How do you do when you can not find something in 'hard drive in your computer? (or brain) 
will connect to the internet p er find the answer ... right? 

Ok, I inform you that the creator has created a wi-fi network for all living beings ... 
 a shame that ignorant men do not use the modem supplied inside their heads to connect)

20) Desire to join with others to create, share projects, cohabitation, villages, groups, talk about useful things, etc..

21) In the minds of special individuals continually arriving messages or communications in their head, the more I get the more he has evolved ... the more you get the more he must move quickly to find her ... and do something similar (if not he does, his body tries in every way to make him understand .. activates the sympathetic nervous system, the famous anxiety ... What makes a man stupid or individual special little conscious? intuition does not listen and continues to endure the situation is not suited to his being ... 
After years of struggle if he wins your rational mind you decide to numb your self and your nervous system with psychotropic drugs .. 
Definitely a great choice to make sleep your intuition ( or be) and continue to live a life as a soldier prepackaged with civil rights and duties.

22) The individual indigo that he used his psychic potential to make a lot of money today is unhappy ... 
His mind is so large as to exceed the desires and consume quickly ... 
He uses his mental curiosity with breakneck speed , Use the money to buy ... to experience, learn, make, throw, 
In my experience as a personal trainer I have seen people a week bought a boat, a remote-controlled helicopter, made ​​4 trips, 20 people known, signed 2 contracts working positively, have trained 2 times, and wanted to buy a villa in Croatia ... All in one week! 
These kind of people are anxious because they are always on the run "evolutionary" buy and study to pass more ... . What the average person does in a year or in a lifetime .... they do it in a day. 
They are not happy because their goods are not durable ... 
They need to satisfy other to stop and really enjoy along with others like them ..   

I now at a crossroads of life are willing to pull you out of suffering to show you the way ... and to create a supportive network among us ...

23) The individual indigo when he writes or does something disconnect the rational mind and the scheme memorial ... so while writing makes mistakes ...  

24) You'll never find them if you look similar using the rational mind .. 

25) Let us remember that our stupid rational mind is still waiting for the messiah that walks on water and that distributes money to attract people and capital miracles ... 

26) If you have a mission to accomplish do not eat no sleep for several hours. 

27) They are easily stancabili to chronic fatigue or illness from the central and peripheral nervous system when they do something unnecessary to its growth.

Individuals indigo 

 are not 

 all equal 

- There are those who do not know who they are, constantly wondering what are they doing in a world of retarded or in a world of absurd rules.  

- There are those who know who they are, they try to improve the world by triggering a chain of events to combat disciples of evil. 

- There are those who give up their humanitarian mission trying to lead a fast life among the mentally retarded ... 
These are "the souls who have never peace" 
They do a thousand things and are never satisfied!  

latter suffer until you get sick   

if you do not start off on their 

will be satisfied only if create durable goods to share with their fellow ... 
Create circles of fun and games " 
(this is my personal role 
those who try to distract yourself with thousands of possible occupations, are those who invent a thousand things to do .. (hobbies, sports, entertainment, gifts, travel, etc.).

All individuals are connected to each other

 and the cosmic reservoir of knowledge.

Many people fail to grasp the thoughts of other similar ... 
These thoughts are of little voices that push you to change, to do social good, build, optimize for those who come after, to create for everyone .... not just for himself! 

(Scientifically, more than 100,000 neurons per second that work with love and synergy for the entire multi-cellular organism)

For many centuries, we still want to hide the truth? 

Have you heard of the New World Order?

Many rulers are handling the issue very bad ..
The powerful to which I refer are above governments and above even the secret services ...

These powerful, freemasons or enlightened or architects or call them what you want (Special Individuals indigo biotypes made by constructive and destructive) are very concerned by the arrival on this planet more and more individuals multimedia ... from 1940 to the present)

Regarding the last centuries the problem did not arise, because these wonders were very few and the system or the social mechanism (matrix) would not make them dangerous ...
Indeed many of them induced by school and rational that were then used to create inventions military ..

This is a very delicate and complex
Today no government or population that can afford an individual genius can emerge and control systems and peoples ...

Attention people of genius are not all constructive some of them are very destructive.

What I want to make it clear with proof in hand to those who are at the top ...
That in a right environment and with the right guide these individuals actually lead the happiness in the world ...
I myself have spent every moment of my life to study all possible mechanisms to guide them in the right way ...

I understand that a world of soldiers or civilians men insensitive robot gives an ordered world ...
But I told him several times to those above that the phenomenon of birth of these individuals is unstoppable ...
Thus it becomes a priority to educate the new world.
I've done hundreds of studies, research, meetings stating that these individuals are increasingly resistant to drugs.
(Hence the control bodies, Masons, you read ... please contact me, we need a plan quickly))

Today there are so many miracles among us, more or less powerful ...
Some take it easy, however those are very powerful bombarded by constant change messages ...
They receive as a mobile wifi media all the information of others.

Let's see if you're particularly
Too Cute 
If you please review in many of these issues today, then you're really in a bad way ...
You'll have your intuition that shouts thousands of times per minute to do something and soon ..

Remember that this world was organized by time, many soldiers ordered to hold many social ..
Have you noticed it?  
Who live in a world run by robots or soldiers insensitive social?

Here's the link to click:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questo new world order can not afford the emergence of other Messiah or other Hitler or other genes or set of people out of the norm ..The powerful leaders of this system, they will create a perfect plan, monitored, controlled and managed by simple   Empty Heads " , soldiers or civilians with para eyes. these systems of control and management also see them in your workplace. Think about what are the true qualities of those who are above voi? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is my mission?

1) Find the prodigies 
2) Living together or neighbors 
3) Rescuing those sick  
4) Create the villages of welfare, schools, clubs, places of socio cultural and recreational 
5) Create a network for the exchange to be less slaves of money and labor. 
6) Create places where small and big miracles can create, build, invent .... for the good of humanity ... 

What do I ask: 
1) Villas, land, parks, local free loan 
2) Each of us puts hand what can material wealth, professional, labor, 
3) People will be selected carefully to ensure that there are individuals or destructive disciples of God's money. 

Until yesterday I used my time constructively beginning to help the needy from the bottom .. 
Today exchange strategy. 
Seeking the very few people who understood economically rich that money is of no use and are most unhappy of others because they have not made ​​their way spiritual or what they are predisposed to do. 
I can assure you that there are many rich people who want to fill their houses of people happy, loyal and constructive ... 
But today rightly do not trust, and have no evaluation criterion for recognizing who really have ahead of them ... (and do well)  

I have maximum skills and experience to transform the stupid money or other riches stuffed in Real Happiness 

'm tired of seeing people get bored, empty, unfulfilled, sun , leaving assets ..... abandoned and empty places without anyone usufruisca ... 

I made ​​the personal coach (personal trainer) to a lot of really rich people ....  

Check out: 
- Think hard about whether you really are safe and motivated
I will give priority to those who are determined and believes in me ..  
To those who are sick and want to get out of the cage. 

- Pick up the phone and call now. 
(your rational mind could do the calculations so you do not get out of your frame of mind, and forget all about me and what I've read) 
- Ask me for a meeting. 
Will you come to me ... that you will 
not think about the distance ...  
Because for a football game or a holiday it would have done without thinking twice .  
Strategies Do not call for corporate business, personal negotiations and industrial and other commercial purposes. I will not give you more use for physical and economic power over the other ... Ok? 

Call only if you are positive Constructive selfless humanitarian ... 

Maybe just read calmly all the links that I have put below.

Useful links for understand and if you're ready ...  
There is also a link to hurry 


As a personal trainer 

Amenable to customized training, seminars, conferences, workshops, cultural and sports associations, outdoor walks, outings, to guide important decisions, youth games, support and assistance to people with disabilities, study and realization of gyms in your home or club private, personnel management in sporting events socio cultural, management and staff efficiency in ecovillagi, 
Realization of weight rooms and fitness in large apartment buildings, hotels, villas, ecc. 


When you will not be able to fill your spaces with rational answers ... Try to listen to the voice inside you irrational ... I teach to look inside and out with no eyes ...

Contact me for info: 

Cell 320 2181316 (sms also, whats app)

Saturday Sunday and holidays are ideal for relaxed meetings, open meetings, seminars walks. 

Available worldwide only if you really want ...

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