
Cos'è il Benessere Totale

Tutto l’Universo si regge in perfetto equilibrio.

L'uomo interagisce di continuo con l'universo per mezzo di sostanze di vibrazioni e di energie.
Per un perfetto svolgimento dei processi vitali un individuo deve interagire con l'universo, con gli altri uomini,animali,vegetali,minerali,metalli,pietre.ecc.(solo l'insieme è il tutto).

Qualsiasi squilibrio fisico psichico energetico và esaminato nella sua integralità tenendo in considerazione contemporaneamente i fattori emozionali, fisici, mentali, genetici, ambientali e sociali che lo riguardano.

Questo equilibrio psicoenergetico-funzionale se alterato, genera malessere,malattia,dolore,intolleranze a cibi e intollerabilità verso altre persone.

Ogni disfunzione psico-energetica genera dei sintomi di preavviso... questi sintomi molte volte non sono riconoscibili da noi stessi, perchè sono lontani o non associabili alla parte malata o squilibrata...

Qualsiasi male accusate... andate a trovare la causa !!! Se curate solo il sintomo, lo squilibrio si ripresenterà più intenso e da un'altra parte del corpo.

Il nostro corpo dovrà essere curato o riequilibrato livello totale, ogni cellula del nostro corpo incorpora le informazioni di tutte le altre cellule, perciò il nostro corpo non si cura pezzetto per pezzetto ma nella sua totalità !!!

domenica 9 giugno 2013

Buy green spaces in society, such as land or portions of large villas to achieve the small villages sustainable, solidary and productive - Raymond Bard

Buy green spaces in society, such as land or portions of large villas to achieve the small villages sustainable, solidary and productive - Raymond Bard

Buy green spaces in society, such as land or portions of large villas to achieve the small villages sustainable, solidary and productive. 
"And a very good investment, safe. And the risk of failure is virtually nil because the costs are almost close to zero. 

Land purchased timeshare will be split like this: 
- private plots of members (such as camping areas) 
- common areas: agricultural areas for cultural courses, wellness, disciplinesholistic, seminars, exchange markets, etc.
- guest areas: camper, trailer, for experience on the spot. (farm, courses, markettini) Everyone can contribute to propose and implement this project. shares hovering at around 3000 euro per partner (depends on number of participants and the place that you choose.) The members will be selected not for their economic virtues but for dowries of altruism, creativity, brotherhood

za, ethics, humanitarian awareness. In this group I would like people interested and not curious ...Everyone would like to start to change their lives ... But very few do it really ... because it alone can not be ... Along with the right people similar to you now you can! Each of us has a huge inner wealth that can be made ​​available to other ... More emphasis on money from an individual, the more he, ,, is worth less than it ... Thanks I have already proposals in the areas of land with villa in Umbria, Tuscany, Rovigo.Expect also proposed by those who own land, villas, portions of campsites and villages. brokerage This is for a better world . Ie you looking for owners havens ..... and the angels among us .... PURPOSE ': Creating the little paradises with angels inside!

THE Matrix in which we live - SCAMA System Control Artificial Mechanized Self-assestante - Raymond Bard

THE Matrix in which we live - SCAMASistema Control Artificial Mechanized Self-assestante - Raymond Bard

THE Matrix in which we live -  SCAMAControl System Artificial Mechanized Self-assestante.

I am a seeker of the truth Raymond Bard on the body the mind and energies, from a few years I also deal with artificial mechanisms, Someone would call them "conspiracies" I call them systems of control and order of the masses.
Certainly these mechanized systems are not born in recent years but have existed for centuries. Hundreds of years ago mighty power groups came together to form strategies for the acquisition of lands and peoples in order to reap profits. (As is the case today in the meeting between manager in your company.) Over the years the system SCAMA has become increasingly mechanized and perfected. system would go alone even without the vision of general managers. (Those at the top of the pyramid) How? Like in a big company ... Just create a hierarchy or ranking or multi levels (call them what you will) of people in positions of supervision and control. How do you look for the ' individual suited to this role? Simple! It creates a system of education that serves to bring out an individual faithful, manageable, schematic, insensitive, competitive and ready for anything. These then occupy leadership roles in society.

At the end of this long process of education will be promoted the most suitable! They will be given the protocols that will be for them a "Bible"These will read the provisions, they will learn by heart and will never want to listen to reason outside of their instructions .

Example: Have you ever applied for a permit to work for humanitarian reasons? (Family, children, hospital care, etc..)
How many times have the impression that your boss is insensitive?
.... You are right it is!
not by chance .. but because it has been chosen for that reason ...was educated for that reason. Some of you will have realized to live in a trap in a life of mechanisms away from freedom from suffering from the happiness and fun. Today, it is a shame the words fun or happiness ... Today must be of the computers of the time and profit .. Today we have the anxiety of not being up in every situation ... Today, we have more and more the feeling that to be "firm is a loss of profit" type: observe nature , play with our children, build a log cabin, walk, have fun with friends, have many hobbies, do things slowly, and so on. We must all run run run .. if we do not take others will rise above ... We trample ... Become richer and more powerful than us, and tomorrow we submit or command us .. Surely if the system goes on like this, and because only very few are wary of what I say ... or very few have thought about strategies for change .. I teach the well-being for many years been asking me how to be healthy, happy and in good shape forever ... These results are accomplished by changing the whole way of life ... and what is around you ... Our body or be not only eats food ... but of all that is around us as "energy" or mechanisms that feed of our energy .. I study the strategies that help individuals sensitive humanitarian or not to get by these mechanisms. Certainly the majority of people are now addicted and genetically predisposed to live in a system SCAMA These are insensitive people who behave like robots. (Follow the instructions and run) See who I am on this link: Here are some pictures that will make you think:

Recommended Links related to this Do you need me ... I am here ... Contact Available for seminars, groups, associations, clubs, journalists, etc.. I do not ask money ... not just because I'm worth ... But why the for-profit and profit make me sick .. Looking for more truth in my site. ..Raymond Bard Trainer-being.

the links that you'll forget that he saw - the rational mind mind - Subscribe to free website - Raymond Bard Italy

the links that you'll forget that he saw - the rational mind mind - Subscribe to free website

The links where intuition and your heart takes you takes you ... But then the rational mind brainwashed education received ..... deny and make you forget even visiting them!

The links where intuition and your heart takes you takes you ...   
But then the rational mind brainwashed education received ..... deny and make you forget even visiting them!